#Pyjamas night !
Last saturday was a good good night !
Balcony were organized a pyjamas party !
First time feel so weird because never wearing sleeping pyjamas for clubbing =.=
but this is a fresh try ! Not bad too , first time clubbing with pyjamas + fully make up ! HAHAHAHA
But i have no sexy pyjamas so I decided to wear my cutie cow pyjamas :D
We are following clara's car , done my dress up on 9 something , and going balcony around 10 .
Everyone going up must have this stamp LOL
Woots ! Clara's were so sexy ! Super transparent :D
Sexy bitch ! Don't you guys know who are her ? She is my housemate & classmate =)
She is freaking sexy & pretty :D
Me & her's friend . See ! All of them so sexy and yet I m cutie pyjamas -.-
In this picture , My darl disappear ! She hide behind me ! =,=
In this time , we were still waiting for the shirley & summer , late queen ! -..-
And we keep waiting and waiting . Balcony is getting more & more people . Finally they reach in 11 something ! KNS
And we start the PARTY !
Time to chilling <3
We're dance like the last last night of life ! Step it on the dance floor !
Meet a lots dancing queen on the dance floor too =)
long long time clubbing once make me feel good !
hope to heard got next theme event :D
See ya party peeps !
COUNT D.O.W.N : 48 days to go ! KL here I come =D
还挺喜欢这张的 !哈哈 :)
这是在三喜楼的外面拍的,下一篇介绍这个三喜楼 :)
至于我自己呢,我是一半一半的 =)
只要会保护我们的,不管是那一边,都是值得尊敬和敬仰的 :)
所以,不管是卫塞节还是圣诞节我们都有一起去庆祝,普天同庆呗 :D
一方面我外婆有叫我们去,一方面想去浴佛一下,保佑全家人平安,顺利 =D
早上九点半,本来要出发了,结果Send 功课给 Pauline 一下就变迟了
最后Shirley 来载我们 =.=
到了那里,真的是人山人海 !全部都是黑压压的人头 @@
从我的位子拍,好像看不到很多人厚?! 其实是很多的!
一进去,佛学班的小孩子们忙着卖旌旗,我们也买了一个,反正乐捐 :D
粘在衣服上 ^^
上去的途中,看见有人带乌龟&鸽子来放生 !
早知道我也去买,我也要买乌龟放生,希望这样可以让我最疼爱的外婆长命百岁♥ =)
上香去啦 :D 你看,香火多么鼎盛!
结果我们决定去喝了茶才回来 =D
其实还是一样很多人 =X
浴佛的时候,看到我可以这么靠近拍,就知道要到我了 =P
到我了啦 ! 诚心浴佛 =))
希望我的家人平安顺利,出入平安,身体健康啦 :D
总之身体是最重要的!尤其是我的父母还有外婆,希望全部都没有病痛,身体健康 ♥
Back to december
I found this old photo and I m still like it very much ! Suitable for my mood now ! :(
Today actually in good mood ! But one things happen totally spoil my day .
but I don't care anymore , my wrong again ? I waiting for you guys and finally I gastric . But still my false .
What the hell of this ?! Okay , I don't wanna to talk about this again .
Today evening I m walking back to home . and i so scared because I gastric and almost faint .
I really so scared I falls down on the street suddenly
Luckily ! Thanks god :) I m safe until home !
But a case was shocked me suddenly you know ? Almost accident just now ! I can't walking well , really so faint , and when i want pass the road by , a car drive very fast and I m in the middle of road .
Mind suddenly become blank ! Nothings much in my mind in that time except you !
And after a minute i saw the car and I just run very fast escape form that situation .
I scared , I really do
I scared I have no more time to saw you , to meet you , to tell you .
I scared until I keep cry after I m home
I scared until I keep cry after I m home
Life was too short and We have to appreciate everything in our life :)
I very scared ! I hope you can beside me in that time . But I'll know , that was only just a dream
I was thinking about you , thinking about me , what we gonna be , and it was only just a dream .
Mr. K ! How are you ? Everything fine even-thought without me ? IMY badlyyyyy
I don't know is whether when I think of you and remembered this song ? or i listen to this song and just will only thinking of you ?
If really got miracle , I really hope can go back to those time , Yea , Its last year december .
Go back to december this song really damn suit me and full filled my mood inside .
I'm so glad you made time to see me
How's life? Tell me, how's your family?
I haven't seen them in a while
You've been good, busier than ever
Small talk: work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me will still
burn in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowing my pride,
standin' in front of you, sayin' I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom aint nothin' but missin' you,
wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
These days I haven't been sleepin'
Stayin' up playin' back myself leavin'
When your birthday passed and I didn't call
And I think about summer, all the beautiful times
I watched you laughin' from the passenger side and
I realized I loved you in the fall
Then the cold came, the dark days
when fear
So this is me swallowing my pride,
standin' in front of you, sayin' I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom aint nothin' but missin' you,
wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
standin' in front of you, sayin' I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time
It turns out freedom aint nothin' but missin' you,
wishin' I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December, turn around and make it alright
I go back to December all the time
I go back to December all the time
Still cannot handle nicely with my new phone , Xperia X8
Picture not very clear
Today , is monday . Monday is always no class for our 30 A .
So yesterday i was make a appointment with Lily babe , Facial time ! =D
Appointment falls on today 10am , The treatment RM100 for two person , so I shared with shirley :)
She come fetch me very early =.=
and straight away go clara beauty centre after our breakfast .
We start at 10am and finally finished at 1pm , take a lot time !
But very enjoy & relaxing :)
For me , I think is very worth cuz RM100 divide by 2 person is just only RM50 !
and after I do the facial i feel my face very whitening and feeling fresh !
Me and Lily ! @ Clara beauty centre
Short updated until here (; is time to continue my Hong kong drama !
Good night peeps =D
PC fair 2011
这是我第一次 join PC fair 做工
这一次终于体会到在里面做工的辛苦 :(
不过还蛮开心的,因为很多朋友都有做工,到处都可以看到认识的, 呵呵 :D
看到我的照片中的衣服,大家都可以隐约猜到我是做什么 Booth 的厚?
对了,对了,又是 Celcom 啦 =)
在 Fair 最主要是卖 Broadband & Postpaid 啦 =)
地点 : Miri Indoor Stadium
时间: 22-24 /4/2011
我们公司在 Fair 总共有3个 booth ,我和 Darl 同一个booth , Summer & Pauline 同一个 booth
上图是我的 Linda 的 pass ,如果要从正门进去必须要有这个 Pass 哦
不然警卫会把你拦下来 :D
我自己的 =D
我们的传单,其实个人真的觉得很划算哦,还我有点冲动想签,但是没办法,我是 Digi Fansss !
Wiliam & linda 在整理中! 哈哈哈哈
其实细心点看的话是可以发现我们的 Booth 哦! Spot us ? 哈哈
另外一个同事,Maggie :)
我和她 =)
Linda & maggie
Me & my darl ! 憔悴的我们 -.-
她和 Maggie 的 angry bird ! 可爱到~~~~~~~
放工的时候了 =)
[第二天& 第三天]
由于第一天晚上 Summer 和她男朋友外宿,所以 Linda 一个人在家
我们不放心,结果就我们两个人去 Shirley 家睡, Shirley 是做digi promoter的 =]
第二天醒来,想换个发型,换个运气,可能 Sales 会更好! 哈哈
大家看的出来吗?不是很明显的卷度,因为我是用拉直棒来弄卷的 :)
不过个人还蛮喜欢的 :)
配上大大的耳环! 哈哈哈!我很喜欢哦 =D
不过很讨厌的是,头发到了下午就不是很卷了,卷度松开了啦 ! 讨厌 TT
我一戴过去 Fair , 大家都跟我借
因为一戴上,就会有 Sales =DDD
Outfit outfit ! ♥
最后一天才拍到我的饭盒!说实话!真的很不好吃哦 =.=
我吃到都快要吐了! 我们的伙食可以好一点没有?! 0.0
感想:第一次参加 PC fair , 真的是发现到在里面做工不容易
有下次,我可能还会参加,因为蛮有挑战性的 =)
当然,我的 Sales 还算差强人意。
不过,这也是累积经验的好办法,下次我一定会再加油的! ^^
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